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Course Outline

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Video Transcript

Bowhunting is an ancient, time-honored pursuit. Today’s bowhunters share a kinship with hunters as far back as the Stone Age. Like our ancestors, we’re challenged by the fine-tuned senses and wariness of our prey. We’re compelled to continually refine our skills to ensure that we’re responsible, humane hunters. The rewards are many. Each trip afield engages all our senses in a rich, colorful, sometimes mysterious natural world where time is measured more by changing shadows than by a clock or watch. There’s a unique satisfaction in knowing that, as bowhunters, we are an integral part of the natural world.

This video segment is from The Basics of Bowhunting: Traditions in Safe and Ethical Bowhunting on the 2003 Kansas Bowhunter Education DVD produced by the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks; written, directed, photographed, and edited by Gene Brehm; and narrated by Bob Mathews.
  • Unit 1 of 9
  • Topic 1 of 3
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