The Rhode Island In-Person Written Exam

You must pass both the online and In-Person Written Exam portions of the Bowhunter education course in order to complete the Rhode Island Bowhunter education requirements.

Important In-Person Written Exam Information
Locating and Signing Up for the In-Person Written Exam
After passing the online portion of the Rhode Island Division of Fish & Wildlife Bowhunter education course, you will need to locate and sign up for the required In-Person Written Exam.
Locate and sign up for the In-Person Written Exam in your area.
Important! Print and bring your In-Person Written Exam Voucher to the In-Person Written Exam as proof of having completed the online course. A picture ID is required if you are 18 years and older.
Warning! Passing the online course does not guarantee you an immediate spot at the In-Person Written Exam.
What To Expect at the In-Person Written Exam
The In-Person Written Exam consists of 50 multiple-choice and true-false questions. The questions will include information from the online course as well as Rhode Island–specific regulations that are not covered in the online course. You must review the current Rhode Island Hunting and Trapping Regulation Guide (Abstract) before you attempt the In-Person Written Exam. For your convenience, A Summary of Rhode Island Bowhunting Regulations highlights the hunting laws from the guide that are most relevant to bowhunting.
After attending and passing the In-Person Written Exam portion of the Bowhunter education requirement, you will receive your Rhode Island Bowhunter Education Card.

Rhode Island Division of Fish & Wildlife
1B Camp E-Hun-Tee Place
Exeter, RI 02822
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We’re available to help you:
Mon-Fri 8am to 8pm CST
Sat-Sun 8am to 5pm CST
1-800-830-2268 (toll free)