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Course Outline

Your location above or below the target presents additional considerations.

Above the Target

  • A tree stand or elevated platform offers good shot opportunities, especially for the broadside and quartering-away shot angles.
  • As a hunter climbs higher, the vital area becomes a smaller target area because the animal’s shoulder bone and spine shield more of the vital organs.
  • Often the reason a hunter misses when shooting from above is because the point of aim and impact has changed.

Below the Target

  • It’s possible to shoot from below the target, but it’s not a high-percentage shot.
  • The aiming spot is lower on the body, and the sternum (chest bone) may shield part of the heart at this angle.
  • Broadside—particularly a double-lung shot—and quartering-away offer the best shots.
Deer being viewed at a quartering-away angle from above
  • Unit 2 of 3
  • Topic 4 of 6
  • Page 5 of 5