Crossbow Hunter's Code of Ethics
As you develop your own personal code for ethical behavior, consider including these statements from the Crossbow Hunter’s Code of Ethics.
Before I hunt with my crossbow for the first time and every time I go crossbow hunting, I realize that my actions reflect upon all others in the family of hunters. I accept that there are ethical standards that I must adhere to and I shall:
- Know my limitations and the limitations of the crossbow.
- Never practice or hunt with my crossbow while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Never carry my crossbow cocked and loaded with an arrow.
- Always make sure my crossbow is sighted-in before hunting.
- Always practice with and tune my broadheads to my arrows.
- Always use the manufacturer’s recommended arrow weights.
- Obey all regulations concerning the harvest of wildlife.
- Never hunt without permission.
- Respect the rights of the landowner and other hunters.
- Know as much about the animal I pursue as possible.
- Always use a full-body harness at all times when hunting from an elevated stand, including getting into and climbing down from an elevated stand.
- Always THINK before I shoot.
- Make every effort to recover the animal shot.
- Utilize or assure the utilization of the meat of my harvest.